Shareholders and investors
Umicore strives to provide timely and accurate information on its strategy, performance and prospects to its shareholders. Next to the publication of press releases and the Annual Report, Umicore’s management and Investor Relations team communicated in 2019 with investors during roadshows in North America, Europe and Asia, as well as through regular site visits, investor conferences, webcasts, conference calls and the annual general meeting of shareholders. Main topics covered included the strides made in the execution of the growth strategy in clean mobility materials and recycling, the financial performance and outlook as well as sustainability and social corporate responsibility themes.
Umicore has a management roadshows free float with a broad base of international shareholders which at the end of 2019 were primarily situated in Europe and North America. The overview of shareholders holding voting rights equal to 3% or more and analyst research and consensus information can found on our website under Share Information. 23 brokerage firms cover and publish equity research notes on Umicore, reflecting strong and global interest from the financial market in Umicore’s equity story and growth opportunities. Umicore’s disclosure covers both financial and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and we regularly engage with our investors on those topics.