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Stationary Catalysis (2019)

Clean air is our business

Clean air is at the core of Umicore’s vision. We are one of the world’s leading producers of catalysts used in automotive emission systems and, with over 2000 installations worldwide, we are a leading supplier of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems for stationary use (industrial plants and ships).

Power generation

Power generation from gas turbines, biomass, waste to energy and engines also generates harmful emissions. Using an emission control catalyst, most of these emissions can be reduced or, in some cases, completely neutralized. Umicore’s DNX and DNO catalysts are responsible for reducing harmful emissions for over 100 gigawatts of power production worldwide.

Marine propulsion

As of 2021, the majority of new ship engines will be equipped with SCR systems to reduce NOx emissions. Strict demands for reduction of SOx, CO2 and particulate matter emissions are also increasing. Umicore has supplied SCR systems and catalysts for marine engines since 1988. Today, a dedicated focus on the challenges in the marine industry enables us to provide SCR catalyst and technical assistance for all existing fuels and configurations. Umicore Marine SCR DNX® catalyst is optimized for eliminating NOx from engines of all sizes. We have introduced new catalytic products, uniquely designed for marine applications, that are vibration resistant and perform well within regulations.

Refining and petrochemical

Refined and processed  petroleum  products, such as plastics, affect almost every aspect of daily life. Umicore’s DNX and DNO catalysts play an important role in reducing harmful emissions in this industry, helping customers meet strict air emission limits while minimizing downtime and limiting impact on plant operations.

Chemical and industrial

Umicore’s catalysts enable industrial plants to improve air quality in their communities. This is the widest area of application with many different requirements. Plants producing nitric acid, sulfuric acid, food & beverage, specialty chemicals, alumina, glass, steel and cement are just a few examples for which Umicore supplies SCR catalyst for emission control.

On the road or in industry, umicore delivers clean air technology

Umicore’s highly efficient Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) catalysts can reduce over 95% of NOx emissions while our carbon monoxide (CO) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) reduction catalysts can reduce both CO and VOCs emissions by more than 99%. Both catalyst types can be combined into a single product, ensuring energy-efficient removal of NOx, CO and VOC from air and waste gas streams. Our catalysts and particulate filters have prevented hundreds of millions of tonnes of harmful pollutants from being emitted into the air.

A growth market

Annual growth  in  the  market  for emission  control catalysts in industrial applications is assessed at 9% globally. A significant part of this growth is in China where the government is determined to win the battle of protecting the blue sky. In China new emission control systems will be installed in large-scale manufacturing industry, vessels built in China and the power segment.

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